Clean: Refactoring a complex getThis article is a demonstration of how Chain of Responsibility can help cleaning up complex methods and is answering the Code Review…Jan 21, 20231Jan 21, 20231
Clean: Clean Way to Nested PromisesFollowing up on my previous post for clean integration of business rules, here is another example of how powerful the Rules and Chain of…Jan 15, 2023Jan 15, 2023
Clean Integration of Business RulesMore than all of the applications have a need for business rules, and most importantly a clean and fast way to integrate them — with the…Dec 25, 2022Dec 25, 2022
Flutter: Integration of Firebase NotificationsThis article describes the required configuration and code in order to integrate Firebase notifications into your Flutter application…May 2, 2021May 2, 2021
How to choose home screen in FlutterThis article describes a way to dynamically set your home screen in flutter by using FutureBuilder. This article is focused on displaying…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021